
How To Do Shading Tattooing

Tattooing is more than popular at present than ever. With its increasing popularity, people'due south demands and standards have become higher. So, if you lot are a tattoo artist (maybe a beginner, apprentice, or a professional person), and your shades look choppy or heal patchily, it is a signal that you take to change your techniques if you desire to thrive in the game.

There are 3 prime tattoo shading techniques. They are whip shading, pendulum shading, and packing. Three of them differ from each other in terms of what they exercise, how you make them do it, and why that works.

Apart from these, in that location will be more discussions and suggestions on relevant topics. Don't stop reading!

3 Common Tattoo Shading Techniques

i. Whip Shading

To do whip shading, yous have to bear on your needle into your skin. Then, dragging it beyond, pic the device gently abroad from your skin.

The needle volition get deeper when hit showtime. When you lot exercise the flicking, it will not exist as deep. That volition make the ink appear lighter when the needle moves out. And the result volition exist dark marks on your skin made by milder ingredients.

Apartment shaders are the all-time needles for whip shading. They can agree lots of ink in and deliver them neatly, which is perfect for shading. They also require fewer passes, meaning they will not crusade much trauma to your skin.


When yous move the needle, ensure that you lot come down straight with your tattoo device. That is considering if you are at some bending and quickly shift to a new one to whip your needle dorsum, there will be skin harm.

2. Pendulum Shading

Pendulum shading does pretty much the aforementioned matter every bit whip shading, but information technology leaves you with dark marks on both sides.

When you swing the needle around, move it downwards and up beyond the center in the same movement. Then information technology will become into and out of your skin gradually when you use less, more, and less ink by turn. As the final outcome, you lot will get smoothened out feathered edges.

You can utilize magnum needles to brand pendulum shades. They work best when used for covering larger spaces.


Pick a needle that will create pendulum shades to make slight overlaps to ensure there is no empty and patchy space (which is why you lot should go for the mags).

three. Packing

When you lot need solid fills for your tattoo blueprint, you exercise packing. To apply this shading technique in your tattoos, you lot have to movement your needle in oval motions. Go on it tight while y'all are at it. Run into to it that the needle pressure is even and sufficient for all sides.

The benefit of moving the needle in that motion is that information technology will comprehend more surfaces by preventing gaps from showing up in the shades. You should use larger magnum shaders for this purpose, as well.


Lower your stride of work and machine speed during this segment. Requite information technology some fourth dimension to pack the tattoo ink into your skin.


When you shade a tattoo, do not change the area quickly. I hateful, practice not start hopping around. Instead, maintain a flow and aggrandize the shades continually on the surface until the packing is complete.

Tattoo Shading Techniques

Common Shading Mistakes

Then, these were the tattoo shading techniques. Let's move on to discussing the mutual mistakes you might make while applying them.

one. Using The Wrong Needle Type, Stroke, Or Diameter

Doing annihilation named above volition negatively impact your shades' smoothness and healing. And so, here is a picayune of something to guide you about this stuff.

Needle Blazon

  • Apply M2 stack magnum needles for tribal designs and blackness packing. They are tight and make sharp lines.
  • If you lot need needles for soft portraits, M1C curved magnums would be perfect. They will give you lot soft shades. There will be no hard lines on the edges.
  • For fine details to do the brows, nostrils, lashes, and eyes, go with 3RL thin liners.


  • For short strokes, go on it between 1.8mm and 2.5mm. Make gray and blackness layers. It will allow multiple passes with no chewing out your peel.
  • If information technology is a medium stroke, the range is between 3.0mm and three.8mm. Proceed the packing solid black.
  • Note: If it is three.5mm, and yous accept only a unmarried tattoo device, y'all tin can pack and shade in ink.


  • For a bore of 0.25mm – 0.30mm to apply to soft portrait designs, option problems pins (#08 and #10). They are easy on your pare when they build the layers.
  • When information technology comes to a larger infinite where yous demand more coverage to do solid blackwork, become yourself some standards (0.35mm, #12).

2. Tattoo Non Sufficiently Dark

Greyness and blackness shades become up to 30% lighter after healing completely. That is more applicable when the tattoo is on areas like the inner bicep, ribs, etc.

When you exercise the tattoo, your blood will seep through your pare. So that will make the shades wait darker than they actually are, leading the tattoo artist to use less ink. As a consequence, the tattoo will fade faster than it would have if the artist had used more than ink.

iii. Uneven Or Patchy Tattoo Healing

Here are some problems with healing that tattooists mostly face. They occur because of subtle changes in your tattoo shading techniques. Have a look at them.

  • Empty spaces between your circles are responsible for patchy tattoo healing. Information technology happens when the circles are very large. And so, when y'all work on them, keep them tiny and tight.
  • Quick movements of the needles in circular motions will harm the healing. Keep information technology deadening while packing the ink.
  • If y'all do not bending your mags properly, the needle barbs slick your peel like razor blades, giving you overworked skin with an uneven tattoo. Now, that is clearly not on your wish list.

Additional Reads:

  • How to setup a tattoo machine for shading
  • Liner Vs Shader Tattoo Machines
  • How to prepare needle depth on a rotary tattoo machine

Final Words

Everything nigh tattooing is art. And in that location is no finish to learning more nearly it. So, when you take these suggestions to enhance your skills, you will be sure to add together more value to your customers' demands and visions. Information technology is needless to explain how that will scale up your reputation.

The solution to making a proper tattoo with ideal healing is following the tattoo shading techniques equally perfectly as you can. Since the techniques are hopefully clear to you lot, y'all can relearn them. Also, this time, notice the areas of the mistakes to forbid them from turning upward.

Thanks a lot for reading. Adept luck!

How To Do Shading Tattooing,


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