
Can I Import A Website Into Magix Web Designer



. . . . When I click preview page or site I get the error message "unable to find filter to import that file with" . . . .

The possible causes of this issue are:

  • an unsupported image format has been used - you may have had some warning of this when adding to a web page - supported image formats are jpg, gif and png
  • a none standard font has been used eg a font from Google and the preview cannot connect to the Internet to get it.
  • a file extension for an image or graphic is missing - this would only occur if you have manually changed the name in the images/graphics properties

If you export the site to your computer, File, Export website . . . do you get any error messages and can you then view with a web browser?

If it exports OK then the issue may become apparent in a web browser


John EB

I tried to export the website and got the same error. I did have a picture I added that was a png and it asked me if I wanted to convert it to a jpg and I did so I don't think that is the problem. I used the fonts that were on the template, so that should not be a problem. Other suggestions?

I found some other photos that are png's that it did not ask to convert. I will manually convert them to jpg's and see what happens. BTW, thank you very much for the quick response! Cheers

I have replaced all the png's with jpg's and still can't preview nor export. Any other suggestions please?


Apologies for the delay in reply I have been trying to replicate the problem without success.

Which template did you start the website from and was the website first built in Web Designer on another computer then transferred to the one giving the error message?

John EB

Thanks again John for your help!! I started with opening a file from the "new from content library" button.
I then went to websites, free example, supersite, aplha theme. I then entered my text content and jpg photos. I changes two page names to be called "our friends" and "our videos" which automatically changed associated navagation tabs on the 1st page tool bar and then saved the file as "travelplanners_website.web" I hope this will help and again, thank you for your willingness to assist a newby to this program. Cheers

I also meant to ask. Is there something I need to do to build or finalize the site. I previously used WebEasy Pro and with that program I would have to "build" the site to anHTML format before I could preview or post the site.

Needless to say, I have gotten no response from Zara Support. I have been a user of Vegas Video since it was designed by Sound Forge and the Sony and now MAGIX. It is a fantastic video editor,and that is why I bought Zara, but so far I am not impressed!



To answer your second post Web Designer can compile and upload the website via FTP directly to your web hosting provider - File, Publish website.

If you are using Xara hosting fill in your account details in the dialog shown below

If you are not using Xara hosting, click Publish to an alternative web host and select Other web host via FTP if it is not a Magix hosted site - see image below.

You will need the information seen in the dialog shown below on the right to complete the upload


John EB

So I don't have to "build" / "compile" before I try to upload via FTP? I would like to preview/test the site before it goes live, so do you have any other thoughts on that issue? Once again. many thanks and if you ever need a voice-over/narration for any of your projects it is on the house!


. . . . went to websites, free example, supersite, aplha theme . . . .

I could only find Vue website in the Free example, Supersite theme is this the one you mean or did you mean Able or Applab below the Free Supersite option?

I have tested all 3 site themes, Vue and Able worked with no issue.

Applab required the installation of a Google font and once installed also worked fine.

John EB

steven-j wrote on 7/15/2018, 3:32 AM

I'm just trying to go through the "What's New Web Designer?" release notes and try the new nav bar enhancements (for instance), but nooo...right out of the gate with this latest MAGIX release it won't even let me preview THEIR OWN intro / demo pages, I get the dreaded "unable to find filter to import that file with".

No page, regardless how simple it is -even one word...will not preview or export. So I'm dead in the water. After a titanic weeks long struggle to get the online loader to work, and another struggle to pay for and receive an installation CD, now that I finally have the new version, it's broken for want of some damn filter it can't find.

"unable to find filter to import that file with"

"unable to find filter to import that file with"

"unable to find filter to import that file with"

"unable to find filter to import that file with"


What to do?

steven-j wrote on 7/15/2018, 4:42 AM

"unable to find filter to import that file with" error message when previewing web page:

You must run Xara Web Designer as an administrator for this problem to go away. Very strange.

You can change permission for this in Windows security settings for Xara.

Sure enough it has to do with Internet Explorer Quick Launch (IE is default Xara preview browser)

C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\StartMenu\Xara Web Designer Premium.lnk

Can I Import A Website Into Magix Web Designer


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